Do. Or do not. There is no try! - Yoda. David Monro-Jones at Functional Forum
gio 04 mar
|Zoom call
Functional Forum - The Netherlands meetup #12

Orario & Sede
04 mar 2021, 19:00 – 20:30
Zoom call
Info sull'evento
We are excited to invite you to the next Functional Forum meetup that will take place (online) on March the 4th, at 7pm.
This time, we will go back to and dive much deeper in the topic of coaching clients and patients.
Our guest and speaker will be David Monro-James.
David is David is a professionally trained, highly qualified and experienced Accredited Fellow Coach, Accredited Master Mentor, Certified Team Performance Coach, Certified PCM trainer/facilitator and a Cultural Transformation Tools consultant. He has a Masters in Management Learning and is qualified in the use of several world-class assessments for team, leadership, organisational and personal development. David is also a coaching supervisor. David has conducted thousands of hours of coaching, consultancy, and development sessions. He works with individuals, teams, executives, leaders and organisations at all levels. David also coaches and assesses other coaches in their accreditation applications. There is little that David has not dealt with and very little, if anything, surprises him.
David will give a 30-minute presentation and will stay with out for a Q&A afterwards.
We are looking forward to meeting you again on March 4th! Please, feel free to forward our invitation to other NL-based health practitioners!
Natascha, Karen and Paola